Congratulations Ivanka

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Ivanka Trump & Nigel Worrall

Ivanka Trump & Nigel Worrall

Just read that Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, 27, is now engaged to the New York Observer’s publisher, Jared Kushner.

“I got engaged last night,” said Ivanka on Twitter, “Truly the happiest day of my life!!!”

In a recent profile of Kushner, Ivanka, who is executive vice president of development and acquisitions at the Trump Organization, told New York magazine that she was glad to be with someone who understands her lifestyle.

“Jared and I are very similar in that we’re very ambitious,” she said. “That’s what makes it so amazing to be in a relationship with someone who is supportive of that.”

Ivanka is apparently converting to Judaism for her fiancé. Now that’s love for you 🙂 And I now understand why she looked so happy when she met with me recently!!

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