The Apprentice …UK style

Filed under: Business,Entertainment,Just For Fun |

Been playing catch up on my Tivo tonight and decided to watch The Apprentice UK. I’m not sure if this is the first series that’s running on BBC America at the moment but it’s pretty entertaining even if Alan Sugar isn’t Donald Trump.

The men are kicking ass at the moment and the women don’t seem to have a leader or, what’s worse, a clue. The way things are going I don’t see the women winning a task.

Bill Rancic and Nigel Worrall
Bill Rancic and Nigel Worrall

And talking of The Apprentice, I met with another person from the program just recently. I bumped into Bill Rancic, the first ever winner of the Apprentice and he’s a really great guy. He’d certainly knock the spots off most of the UK crowd!

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