Sometimes in life it’s really hard to comprend how things work …and I’m confused, bewildered and devastated all at the same time.
Less than a week ago I blogged about the new arrival in our family and how easy it all seemed. Today, less than a week later our world has been turned upside down and I really don’t know how to find the words to tell you that little Ethan passed away on Thursday afternoon in Arnold Palmer Hospital.
I don’t want to go into the details but I’ve debated with myself whether to remove the original post and I have asked many people what I should do. Opinions varied but I have decided to leave the post as it is. Rightly or wrongly.
One day I hope that I will be able to draw from it and to understand more about how I felt at the time. I also hope that it will be a comfort to my brother and my sister in law and that they will understand how I felt then and how I feel now.
I don’t think words can adequately describe how any parent can feel at the loss of a child but to lose one after just five days is simply unbearable. Goodbye for now little Ethan… your stay was short but in that time you gave us all a lot of joy.
You have a pretty good writing skills. Nice blog. Add to my reader!
Acai Berries
September 22, 2008 at 2:27 pm