New Year Resolutions

Filed under: Just For Fun |

New Year’s resolutions are almost as predictable as the Times Square bell dropping to mark the beginning of a New Year. According to a study by the Scanton Journal of Psychology nearly 45 per cent of adults make New Year’s resolutions. Any guesses for the top three?

Yes, you probably guessed them.

Better management of finances, lose weight / get in shape and to stop smoking.

Frankly, I think we need to add another one… one that can make everyone feel refreshed… taking an Orlando vacation!

It’s well known that during the Winter months there is less sun and that our bodies produce less vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, a healthy immune system and for heart disease prevention. Ever wondered why people in warm climates live longer? Now you know. So, make sure you plan an Orlando vacation as one of your New Year resolutions… make that reservation right now by calling us on 1-800-760-1114 and you can be sure that this will be at least one resolution you can keep that is good for you!

Hope to see you soon!


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