It was up nice and early on Saturday as we had a big day planned. First off was a meeting with Nick Nanton (America’s Premier Experts) and Wayne Kelly, the host of the Wayne and Jayne radio show at KBS-FM. We had a great time and I got to learn a lot more about radio show demographics and how to keep listeners listening.
After lunch it was time to get together with Peter Shankman… the Social Media guru. Peter’s such a fun guy and he kept me entertained for several hours with his stories and his jokes. I also learned a whole lot more about the impact of social media on society today and I guess we’ll soon see how much I picked up by how this blog develops. If you want to learn more about social media, I’d strongly suggest taking a look at his web site as there’s lots of good stuff on there.
So…it was on to the main reason for visiting New York… the book launch. Having never written a book before I really didn’t know what to expect and to be honest, when this possibility was first mentioned I thought it was a bit over the top to go to Times Square to do it! That said, I was finally convinced and you only live once so why the hell not?
I posted some pictures from the book launch late on Friday night so I’ll not bore you by posting too many more as I’m sure you’ll get the drift that we really did have a great time. The party was hosted at the Hard Rock and we had a great view of Times Square from the balcony overlooking everything. The drinks flowed freely and the spread was fabulous. We then got round to the official book launch and I received my certificate for having a “Best Seller“. That was the remarkable thing for me…to now be considered a best selling author and as someone else said “they can never take that away from you.”
And what was even more remarkable was later on seeing my book in the bookstores alongside the likes of Donald Trump and Napoleon Hill.